Is Running Bad for you?

Is Running Bad for you?

Have you heard that running is bad for your joints, specifically your knee and hip joints?

Recently, there have been many studies that have shown the opposite— that running protects bone health (protecting joints from osteoarthritis). There is a study that suggests that the difference in outcome depends on the frequency and intensity of the training (running) of individuals. There was a research study conducted that reviewed 25 studies. The researchers found that the individuals that participated among those studies; 3.5% of recreational runners had hip and knee arthritis for both male and female participants. 10.2% of individuals who were considered to be sedentary and non-runners had hip or knee arthritis. Where as the highest rate of knee or hip arthritis was 13.3% and was the elite runners. What does this mean? It means that recreational runners have a decreased chance in developing knee and hip arthritis compared to sedentary runners and competitive runners. Running at a recreational level for years (up to 15 years and possibly more) is safely recommended to the general public as a healthy exercise and is beneficial to joint— hip and knee— health.

Other benefits of recreational running are as followed:

      • Improved cardiovascular health
      • Improved bone health
      • Weight loss and or weight management
      • Improves cholesterol levels
      • Improves immune system,
      • Improve mental health and mood

Now that we have discovered that hip and knee joint health may improve with recreational running, you may be wondering how do I start running? Below are five tips and tricks to get you started on your running path!

Setting SMART goals:

Having set goals in specific SMART goals allow you to be set up for success as it increases levels of motivation, allows for direction, triggers new behaviours, guide your daily action towards achieving your goal.

The acronym SMART stands for the following:

S- Specific

M- Measurable

A- Achievable

R- Realistic

T- Timely

Setting SMART goals allows you to know that your goal is specifically tailored to you and that it is realistic as it can be achievable within your time frame! If you are having troubles figuring out  a SMART goal in regards to your fitness, book in with one of our Kinesiologists here at Capture that will help you develop your goal and plan on how to achieve it!

Invest in a good pair of running shoes:

Investing in a good pair of running shoes can help prevent foot and ankle injuries. Running shoes can lessen the impact of your step during the run. If you are unsure of what kind of shoes would be the ideal fit, you can book in with our pedorithist to ensure your shoes fit like a glove. 

Run-Walk Method:

The run-walk method is a strategy widely used for beginner runners where there is a predetermined length of time for running and walking. The individual will repeat this cycle for the entirety of their training session. This allows the individuals to condition. While reducing stress on the body— muscles.


At Capture Therapeutics- Woodstock location we will be starting a couch to 5K session that will be incorporating this method to build up tolerance with the end goal of doing 5 kilometres. This will be starting in June, visit our website or call for any questions or to sign up!

Cross Training:

Cross Training utilizes different modes of training that is outside the scope of the main sport that aids in developing components of fitness. Implementing cross- training will aid reducing the risk of injury from repetitive strain or overuse. Other benefits that accompany cross training are as followed:

  • improved cardio endurance
  • Conditions entire body — training of unused muscle groups
  • allow recovery time while still training- as some muscle groups are able to rest and recover while others are being trained

  If you are able, try to cross-train 1 to 2 times per week, workouts could be strength training, cardio, agility & balance and flexibility. If you are having a hard time figuring out the proper way to cross-train one of our Kinesiologists would be happy to help develop a program, alternatively you can come sign up for one of our fitness classes that are offered through the week.


Ensuring that you are consuming and getting the appropriate nutrition while doing any physical activity is essential to improve endurance and productivity. If you have any questions about nutrition while running, book an appointment with our dietitian to have a consult for answers to your questions and to help understand and start implementing a proper nutrition goal.

A take away from this blog is that movement is key, as you may have noticed, recreational running has been shown to benefit your overall health rather then be harmful. If you need help with your fitness goals come see a professional at Capture Therapeutics today! Hope to see you soon!